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About Us

The Buffalo Presidential Center is an all-volunteer non-profit organization chartered by the State of New York to explore and share stories about Buffalo and Western New York’s historic and contemporary contributions to the U.S. Presidency and national affairs. The BPC operates a museum on the second floor of the Central Library and presents public programs and exhibits to audiences throughout Western New York.  

Our Trustees

Shane E. Stephenson, President

Director of Museum Collections, Buffalo Naval Park


Bren T. Price, Vice President

Retired School Superintendent/ Explore Buffalo Master Docent


Scott Gehl, Treasurer
Retired CEO Housing Opportunities Made Equal/ Former Buffalo Councilman


Linda Czuba Brigance, Board Secretary /Past President

Professor Emeritus, State University of New York at Fredonia


Tim Breen, Trustee

School Counselor, Pioneer Central School District


Kevin Duggan, Trustee

Former Erie County Dept. of Social Service Energy Programs/ Owner, Family Tree Genealogical Research


John Fagant, Trustee

Author/ Historian/ Explore Buffalo Master Docent/ Retired Chemist


Philip D. Feraldi, Trustee

Retired Educator/ former Sardinia Town Supervisor


Laura Fitzgerald, Trustee

Director of Operations and Grants Management, Preservation Buffalo-Niagara


Rachelle Moyer Francis, Trustee

Retired Educator/ Millard Fillmore biographer 


Patrick F. Ryan, Trustee

Cultural Coordinator, The Richardson Olmsted Campus/ Historian at Ashland: The Henry Clay Estate


Jeff Schober, Trustee

Writer/ Retired Educator


Courtney Speckmann, Trustee

Director of Programs & Engagement, Buffalo & Erie County Naval Park


The Buffalo Presidential Center is a not-for-profit educational organization committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all trustees, volunteers, members and staff feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.

We respect the value that diverse life experiences bring to our board of trustees and leadership and we strive to listen to their views and give them value.

We are committed to being nondiscriminatory and providing equal opportunities for employment, volunteering, and advancement in all areas of our work.

We will dedicate time and resources to expanding diversity, to examine assumptions which interfere with this policy, and to address systemic inequalities in our work.

The Buffalo Presidential Center is committed to demonstrating diversity, inclusion, and equity and maintaining fair and equal treatment for all.

--Adopted 12/15/21

We believe in the importance of exploring Buffalo's Presidential History.


The Buffalo Presidential Center greatly appreciates the ongoing support of the Erie County Legislature and County Executive Mark Poloncarz.

Our Mission

The mission of The Buffalo Presidential Center is to encouragze the study, exploration, interpretation and public awareness of Buffalo and Western New York's contribution to the Presidency and national affairs. Our main focus is on Buffalo's two presidents, Millard Fillmore and Grover Cleveland, but our interest includes other Western New Yorkers who have shaped our nation as leading participants in national government, the judiciary, policymaking, and public affairs.


Through spotlighting this historical legacy, we hope to promote interest in contemporary issues related to the Presidency and national affairs.

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Our Vision

Continuing to illuminate Buffalo’s connection to our presidential history and to share that heritage with the world.

Continuing to illuminate Buffalo’s connection to our presidential history and to share that heritage with the world.

We Need Your Support Today!

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